Tuesday, October 8, 2013

DIY spa time!

 I always try to keep away from chemically products. As most people I enjoy more natural and cruelty free products. This is a natural and organic(doesn't have to be) facial mask good for acne and brightening the skin. The best thing is it's affordable and you can usually find the products right in your fridge!

Mask ingredients:
1 egg(White only, I have a use for yolk too! never waste!)
1 tablespoon lemon juice
1 teaspoon sea salt

You'll also need a pot of water and a small facial towel.

Get a medium sized pot and fill it half way, I always pour some sea salt in the water. I have heard from others it does make a difference and some people think it is a useless step, I do it anyways.I let it steam up but don't let it boil!

In a small dish/bowl or whatever you would like to use put in your sale, lemon juice and egg white. Put the yolk in a dish to the side, the proteins are great for your hair!

Beat the mixture in the bowl until it's nice and frothy. Once your pot of water begins to steam, rest your face over it. The steam will open your pores and allow the mask to settle in nice and deep! You can always transfer the water to a bowl in case you're worried about putting your face over a pot of water, I've never had any mishaps but I am also very cautious!

After a 2-3 minutes of steaming I dip my rag into the pot of water and set it to the side. I steam my face over the pot for another minute or so while the rag cools. Make sure the rag is hot but won't burn you! The minute is more then enough for me but I can handle heat very well! Please touch it and make sure it isn't too hot for you. If it's too hot for your hands it's too hot for your face!

I like to cut holes in my rag, this is exclusively used for my face. The reason I like the holes is because with the rag on my face I find it hard to breathe and that's never a good thing! I sit back and rest the rag on my face for another minute or so. Also with the eye holes in the rag you and put cucumbers or teabags on your eyes for a extra treatment!

Imminently after this steam treatment rub the mask all over your face. It should still have some gains of sea salt in there so make sure to rub it in like a exfoliator. It's likely you will have a lot left over. If you have other people in your household use it on them too! I never keep the extra because I like to have it nice and fresh.

Leave it on your face until it dries(your face will feel stiff and sometimes turn white and crackily because of the mixture) then wash off with warm water then pat dry!

Remember that yolk I mentioned? After I rub the mask in my face I use the yolk as a hair treatment. Often I will just rub it into my hair plain but sometimes I add a little bit of olive oil or mix it with conditioner depending on what I have in the house. I leave it in my hair with the mask on my face, usually I like to do this in the morning or before bed so I can take a shower and wash everything out at once!

Also lemon juice is a natural hair lightener! Over time it will lighten hair, often I will also mix that in with the yolk. It works best in direct sunlight though so if you do it inside it may not work as well. You can also keep a small spray bottle of lemon juice to spray in your hair before going out if you'd like to try this natural hair lightening method!

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