Saturday, October 12, 2013

DIY time! Body Scrub!

So, like anyone I used to pay for my bod scrubs. Often I opted for Lush's ocean salt:
Ocean Salt
Now don't get me wrong. I love this scrub. It works great and smells delicious. At around 20-30+ a tub, yeah I'll pass. If you choose to buy this, it will last you the year as long as you spot exfoliate like I do(Elbows, knees, feet, rough spots) but if you full body and face exfoliate with this you'll go through it like no bodys buisness and it'll cost you a fortune.

Many people have posted DIY dupes for this, my body scrub is not a dupe of this. It is a DIY sugar scrub and it is oil based, so I will warn those with oily skin types to use less oil in your version or you can try the DIY dupe for this which I will post after I play with the recipe.

For this you will need:
A big ol' mason jar or anything you want to use to hold this
3 cup Brown sugar(I use light, not dark. Not sure if it makes a difference tbh)
1 1/2 cup 100% pure extra virgin olive oil
3/4 cup Raw Honey/100% natural honey

I make a large batch when I make mine so I don't have to do it often. I add it all to a mason jar, give it a good stir and then put on the lid. I give it a nice shake and place it in my shower organizer. This lasts for awhile even using it on my whole body. I do not use this on my face though because I have a oily t-zone and it doesn't help much with that. After I use this I use my body wash to remove the excess oil. Since it is winter I use a lot of oil in this, I usually can see a top layer of oil in my jar. If you do not like this I recommend cutting the oil in half or just watching it by eye. I will say my knees and elbows feel awesome after this and my whole body feels much softer because the oil and honey keep the skin nice and soft while the sugar exfoliates nice and gentle.

The best thing is you can do this for about 10 bucks and make multiple batches, a huge savings compared to most body scrubs! Also these are basic household ingredients so you might even be able to make a batch from looking in your pantry. I also use organic products in mine so it's a nice 100% natural organic scrub!

The smell is somewhat off putting to me since it smells like cooking as I always cook with olive oil and honey. If the smell bothers you, you can add an essential oil or even some vanilla extract to make it more bearable but it has grown on me over time.

Lush's product smells better but does not moisturize as well as my cheaper alternative! You can always hop into any Lush and request a sample and compare it to your own DIY scrub at home. I did not use my Lush scrub on my face but salt is very good for acne so if you're more prone to breakouts or oily I would recommend Lush's scrub. If acne is not a huge concern, you have dry skin or just want a scrub for you body and not face I'd say the DIY scrub is for you!

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